The Parenting & Play category includes all things directly related to babies and children (except health or homeschooling).
If it's a parenting tip, it's here. If it's baby equipment, it's here. If it's a toy, it's here.
However, adult or whole-family play is in the Relationships (think Marriage & Family) & Celebration section.

The Texas Situation (with the FLDS children) & Parental Rights
Unless you have been hiding under a rock or cut off from technology (which isn't likely if you're reading this ...

Homeschooling with Wee Ones
The Growing Homeschool: Integrating Babies and Toddlers into Your Already Busy Schedule is an uplifting read for homeschooling mamas with ...

Why I Enjoy Homeschooling
During the summer months, amidst the flip flops and swimsuits, it's common to hear mothers say, "I can't wait until ...

101/1001 – Stuff to Honor/Strengthen/Protect My Family
...honor/strengthen/protect my family: 46. Make "what-if" file. 47. Have family portraits made. 48. [personal] 49. Make a will. 50. Take ...

Time Management for Kids: Simplified Planner Skills for Children
Summary: Teaching time management for kids requires a simplified approach to standard time management skills. Time Management Skills Are Taught, ...

Cool New Stuff from Learning Resources
We don't do a lot of formal schooling in our household, but we do surround our children with educational toys ...

Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Waving the Flag of Feminism
[edited verse reference in the last paragraph below - Thank you to Karla, at Bekah's blog, for pointing out a ...

Book Notes
Often when I read a book, I observe little details I will want to be aware of when my children ...

It’s Not My Thing
We have a friend who would like to homeschool his children. The difficulty is that he will have to do ...

Pastors’ Kids
There is currently a discussion question on an email list I'm on: Why are pastors' kids so bad? This is ...

What Makes A Successful Woman? The Bible’s Answer
What makes a successful woman? The world says a successful woman is one who "has it all" - outside career, ...

To Go, or Not to Go (to College)?
When my husband and I were courting, we were told by our pastor that I "needed" to get a college ...

A Woman’s Responsibility
There is much confusion in the Church today about a woman's responsibility. Most pastors either are confused themselves, or shy ...

Motherhood May be Exhausting, but it is Not Narrow
A friend sent me the following GK Chesterton quote today, and I really like it. "I can understand how [mothering] ...

10 Easy Ideas for Teaching Colors to Toddlers & Preschoolers
Sometimes we parents feel we need a preschool "curriculum" just because we're having a little trouble coming up with ideas ...

What Ariel Could Do…at Two
One of the things I struggle with is knowing how much is reasonable to expect of Ariel. In our current ...