The Parenting & Play category includes all things directly related to babies and children (except health or homeschooling).
If it's a parenting tip, it's here. If it's baby equipment, it's here. If it's a toy, it's here.
However, adult or whole-family play is in the Relationships (think Marriage & Family) & Celebration section.

Best Children’s Bible Story Books (Theology Reading for Kids)
What is the best children's Bible, or what are the best children's Bible story books, or theology books -- all ...

How to Go Grocery Shopping with a Baby
If your baby is still a really new newborn, I hope you're not having to go out grocery shopping at all! Hopefully ...

Thirty Constructive Things for Kids to Do
Updated Sep. 11 2019. Originally published May 26, 2015. From "I'm Bored" to "Doing Something Constructive" I know my kids ...

Why I Dislike the Term “Gentle Parenting”
NOTE: This post is from an explicitly Christian perspective and presumes that its readers are Bible-believing Christians, as well. If ...

Parenting Different Personality Types: How Not to Exasperate Your Children
Are We Confusing Authoritative with Authoritarian? Outside of the Church, there's a frequent tendency toward permissive parenting – that is, ...

Favorite Christian Children’s Music (That’s Solid)
I discovered when I tried to link to this post this week that I'd never posted it. So I'm sorry ...

9 Surprising Benefits of Video Games
Video games get a bad rap. I firmly believe there are benefits to reading and physical activity that you might ...

ABCs & 123s of D&D – Primers for Little RPG Fans {review}
We grew up in those circles of conservative Christianity that presumed Dungeons & Dragons was evil, due primarily to the ...

What Are You Teaching Your Children, REALLY?
It has, unfortunately, become a regular occurrence, of late, to awaken to the sounds of my 7-year-old daughter and my ...

Thriving A to Z: B – Baby Food (Thrive Life)
One really great use of Thrive Life foods is for baby food! Unlike "fresh" foods, they're highly portable (no refrigeration, etc ...

Cookbooks for Kids (The Young Chef, ChopChop, Nourishing Traditions) {review}
Having spent most of last week (and the early part of this week) talking about books for teaching us grownups ...

Skill Trek {review}
Wrapping up this week of digital educational content is Skill Trek. I actually just learned about this a few weeks ...

Avoid Dropped Teethers with the Munch Mitt {review}
I've always found it a particular challenge when my babies start teething before about 5 months, because they aren't able ...

Baby Nosh {review}
Baby Nosh: Plant-Based, Gluten-Free Goodness for Baby's Food Sensitivities is just what it says it is. This is a beautiful hardcover book and ...

First Bites: Superfoods for Babies and Toddlers {review}
First Bites is a tall, narrow book, roughly proportioned like an airline boarding pass and about half an inch thick. It's ...

7+ of the Best Board Books You Won’t Hate to See 1,000 Times
I prefer to use board books as much as possible for as long as possible. Not only do they hold ...

Wonder Body Coloring Book {review}
I was very intrigued by the basic concept of Wonder Body, and really wanted to like it. And, indeed, there ...

Origami Animals {review}
This origami kit, Origami Animals, is pretty well-designed. It's kind of basic, but it has some neat features and would make a ...

PlayTape from InRoad Toys {review}
We have a lot of matchbox-style cars. We don't have much by way of tracks -- no fancy "road rug," ...

Mrs. Peanuckle’s Fruit Alphabet & Vegetable Alphabet Board Books {review}
I'm a big fan of Rodale. The company has been around for a long time, printing books about organic gardening, ...