Clean + Green makes products to clean pet stains, eliminating odors in the process. They are environmentally-friendly, fragrance-free, and safe for people and pets. Each cleaner is formulated to work on particular types of surfaces.
Now, we don’t have any pets. (Well, we don’t have any indoor pets.) But we do have small children, and the principles are the same. Like pets, small children make biologically-based messes that often stink, and which are addressed by enzyme-based cleaners.
I tried one, for instance, on the playpen after the baby spit up all down the side of it. It worked great – no spit-up smell, and no icky chemical smell, either.
I find this especially wonderful where the furniture refresher is concerned. Sometimes something doesn’t really need cleaning, per se; it just needs – well, refreshing. A lot of people use products like Febreze and, if they like them, that’s fine for them. But, personally, I think these chemical cocktails stink to high heaven. If I already have a stink in something, I certainly don’t want to go adding another stink on top of it. I’d much rather just eliminate the odor itself – and preferably without adding any new ones. This furniture refresher does just that.
There are even cleaners here for hard-to-clean surfaces like hardwood, and leather upholstery. (This might’ve saved some friends of ours a few hundred dollars, when they had to replace their sofa because the cat peed on it!)
If you have pets or young children, this is definitely worth checking out.
Disclosure: : I was provided with samples by the manufacturer to facilitate this review. As always, all opinions expressed here are entirely my own.
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