You do not have to sign in or create an account to comment here. However, if you are not already a regular commenter, your comment will not be posted immediately; it will come to me for moderation. (This is to keep you from being subjected to hundreds of spam comments that post automatically.) After you’ve had two comments approved, moderation won’t be required, either (except possibly if you post a comment with an unusually high number of links).
By the way, I am pretty lax in my moderation. As I am very opinionated and fairly frequently post about controversial topics, I expect some vehement disagreement – and I get it. 😉 I have never refused to post a reader’s comment because of opposition to my point of view. Generally speaking, if a comment is relevant, it gets posted.
If encounter vulgar language, I reserve the right to delete the comment. (If it’s a minor part of the comment, I may just edit out the offending word, but I might just delete the comment.)
Likewise, if a comment attacks me, personally, and does not contribute to the discussion at hand, it will be deleted. (I don’t recall this ever having happened.)
For the most part, the only comments I have deleted are obvious spam posts. Feel free to disagree as strongly as you want as long as you’re respectful about it.
Bottom line: if your comment is G-rated, you aren’t being hateful, and you aren’t trying to sell my readers viagra or a Las Vegas vacation or something, you should expect your comment to appear. 🙂
(If it doesn’t, and you think it should have, please try again. It may be that the spam filters accidentally snagged it.)