The first thing in my binder is a page protector containing a printout of Proverbs 31:10-31. This way it is visible when I open the binder. Hopefully, this will help me to memorize the passage.
Following this page is a zippered pencil holder. It holds a dry erase marker, extra tabs, and colored paper clips (for marking frequently-used pages). I think the holder was about $2 at Wal-Mart.
Here you can see my binder opened to the first divider. I wanted a vintage look for these, so I printed them out on parchment-style ivory paper (Ampad “Textures of Ivory,” also from Wal-Mart). This particular paper is not very sturdy, so I taped the printed sheets to white cardstock with double-sided tape.
The tabs are “clear index tabs,” available from the stationery department at (where else? 🙂 ) Wal-Mart. They are 1-1/2″ by 1/2″ and self-adhesive. I stuck these to the paper/cardstock, then cut slits in the page protectors to allow them to poke through. Then I used the inserts that came with them as patterns to cut inserts from the same parchment paper the dividers themselves are printed on.
Each divider has three sections: the title, a picture, and a Scripture verse. The titles are Scriptural phrases, as I hope that will help motivate me! 🙂 On the tabs, I wrote these Scriptural phrases, followed by more “normal” titles. You can see what I mean in the following close-up photo of some of the tabs. (It’s rotated so they’re easier to read.)