This is not a review, per se, because this product is my own. But I want to tell you about it in a similar style as what I use for my reviews so you can get a feel for it.
Journal-a-Day the Titus 2 Way is a little like journaling-meets-devotions. There are 365 journaling prompts — one for every day of the year. (Actually there’s a 366th, for Leap Year.) They aren’t Bible study, but the more serious questions are designed to cause you to think about the Scriptures (particularly as pertains to “woman” passages) and about their application to your life.
They’re a mix, though. It could become mentally wearying to only ever journal about serious things. So some prompts are included just for the sake of fun. Like: imagine your favorite vegetable and your least favorite vegetable as characters. Mostly, though, they’re a blend of questions that directly consider the words of Scripture, those that deal with practical application, and those that make us think about how we, personally, approach certain ideas. (For example, how does your own history with chastity impact your life today?)
It was very important to me as I was writing, to keep the focus mostly positive, without falling into a rut of “everything is always peachy.” Especially where husbands are concerned, I wanted to encourage wives to be thinking about their husbands’ strengths and how they can help build up, rather than focusing attention on the things that drive them crazy. (Do any of us need help to focus on the things that annoy us? Usually we need help to give the benefit of the doubt!)
Some of you are now wondering if the book applies to you because you’re not married, or you don’t have children. Well…yes and no. There are questions that deal directly with one’s marriage and parenting. Titus 2 addresses these issues, so they couldn’t very well be ignored. However, the majority of the questions, overall, will still be useful. So you can definitely adapt or skip over questions — just be aware you probably won’t end up with quite 365.
Just so there’s no confusion, this is not a journal. It’s a book of prompts to be used with a journal. So get a pretty journal and a nice pen (I love my Pilot G2’s — in all their various forms) and package them all up together with this.
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