It isn’t very often you come across something that’s truly different. Math & Magic in Wonderland actually is, though — truly different — which makes it a little tricky to put into words what it’s like!
The heart of the book is a story. This story revolves around a couple of sisters — one very playful and the other more serious — and their magical, Alice in Wonderland-inspired adventure. To call this just “a story,” though, would sell it short.
The story itself is full of strong vocabulary, literary allusions (mostly to Lewis Carroll’s works), miscellaneous science trivia, and references to famous mathematicians. I have to be honest; I’m pretty well-read, and I wasn’t completely sure how some of these words were to be pronounced. (This is the side effect of learning vocabulary through reading rather than listening!) However, my newly-9-year-old was able to follow along without any difficulty. The end result is a story that’s light-hearted and fun, enjoyable for children, but still rich with opportunities for language development and outside study. And that’s just the story.
Where this really starts to get interesting is in its interactive features. Lulu and Elizabeth’s magical adventure involves a series of rhyming riddles they must solve. Each riddle, properly understood, points to a math puzzle. In many cases, these are math games (think along the lines of Sudoku) or classic mathematical puzzles. Pauses are built in so the reader can attempt to solve the puzzles first, before reading on to find the solutions.
In case that still isn’t enough, each chapter is followed by a “play along” section containing even more puzzles to solve and other ways to interact with the text. The possibilities for using Math & Magic in Wonderland are pretty broad, ranging all the way from just sitting and reading the story (which is enjoyable in its own right) to using it as the launching point for a full-fledged unit study, complete with science, math, history (of math), and literature.
Personally, I recommend you grab some paper and a pencil — and, preferably, a set of tangrams — before sitting down to read the book.
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