Get control of your blogging to-do list, with a method for creating an overall blogging schedule and building balance into your editorial/content calendar.
Get control of your blogging to-do list!
Many bloggers start out small — possibly even as a hobby — and soon realize just writing posts isn’t enough. There’s the matter of finding images…and social media engagement…and SEO…and….
The list seems to be ever-expanding, and we soon find ourselves with a plethora of tasks on the to-do list, scrambling to stay on top of it all.
What’s needed is an organized plan for getting everything done, and that’s what you’ll create over the course of this workbook.
In the first section, you’ll create an overall blogging schedule, and in the second section you’ll find approaches for ensuring you build balance into your editorial/content calendar.
Grab a copy and begin building a better blog schedule now.
26 pp.
PDF e-book
(Looking for a print version?)
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