I like to see others’ goals, to inspire my own, and have been particularly asked to share my list, so with only a few minor redactions in the business section, here’s my 2018 list.
A couple notes first. I’ve linked to additional information where it’s relevant. Some of these are affiliate links (’cause why not?) Also, this is lighter than I would like on household goals. This is because my current state of health doesn’t allow for a lot of the “up and about” kind of getting things done that some of my desired goals would require. I tried to be very mindful this year of my physical limitations, and hope I’ve found a good balance between striving toward what I can do and letting go of what I can’t. My focus for the year is this passage:
“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” -John 15:4-5
- Finish Word, Water, & Spirit
- Finish Christ, Baptism, & the Lord’s Supper (These are books I keep forgetting I haven’t finished yet.)
- Finish Jeremiah’s New Covenant (This was too meaty for a burned-out brain so I took a break from it.)
- Prayer-walk 2x in Jan & in Feb, 3x in March and in April, weekly in May-December (This isn’t anything weird — just walking around our block, praying silently for our neighbors. It’s a dual-duty thing to get me outside and moving, too.)
- Read 20 OT books and 18 NT books. (I know this is a little silly. I didn’t have any specific Bible reading goal jumping out at me, and wanted *something* concrete.)
- Listen to I Will Be a God to You and Your Children series
- Have a date night weekly.
- Go OUT for date night monthly, health permitting.
- Create (with Michael) a short list of “default” date night ideas besides TV. (We have a tendency to default to TV/movies because it’s too much mental effort to come up with something different, so we want to make a list of other “fallback” options.)
- Finish Kids Cook Real Food (We’ll be reviewing this eventually, but I’ve been dragging my feet on getting us through it because it’s kind of involed.)
- Take Sophia through Fit2B Girls course (This is a bran-new course we’ll also be reviewing. Hopefully with less foot-dragging, since it isn’t as resource-intensive.)
- Teach Livia & Caleb to read
- Teach Ariel & Sophia to bake bread
- Teach Ariel & Sophia to make sourdough bread
- Art journal (or similar) with the kids weekly (for playful/happy time together)
- Declutter: 2018 things in 2018 (I chose this particular challenge because it’s very flexible.)
- Procure/choose recipes for a full healthy cookie/candy plate (I want to be able to do cookie plates at Christmas this year that aren’t actually “junk.”)
- Create a concrete holiday plan, and plan each one 2 months in advance. (Some of the holidays we want to celebrate we never get around to because we forget until it’s too late to plan.)
- Have enough allergy-friendly recipes for a month by the end of the year
School (mine)
- Finish Intro to Statistics
- 30 credits/10 classes at Ashford (Basically, this is just a full sequence of classes. I’m not 100% sure if it comes out to 30 or 27, because they don’t use a traditional schedule.)
- Study for/take NANP exam
- Listen to Holistic Nutrition Lab podcasts
- Read/preview remaining books for Baby Steps (This is a course I’m planning to launch, so consider this a teaser. 😉 )
- Finish & launch Baby Steps
- Finish AIP Made Easy (Not sure if I’ll get this done or not – this is an expanded version of my AIP freezer/crockpot dump meals, but I’ve been stuck in the recipe testing stage for “forever.”)
- ? move on to drafting another specific project
- Gross $x (I have an actual amount designated but am not sharing right now.)
- The Art of Fermentation exam (for necessary continuing education units)
- 5 more CEU’s
- Finish African-American Theological Ethics (This is another one I keep forgetting I haven’t finished. It “hides” on my Kindle.)
- Sew baby carrier cover
- Send 12 real letters/notes (preferably 1/month)
- Make potica
- Drink 24+ oz of water/day by year’s end
Thanks for sharing! I love reading goals of others too! I’m so intrigued by your course launches! ?