Updated Sep. 22, 2019. Originally published Apr. 9, 2013.
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Today is An Easy “Project.”
This is a very easy category of “information” to address. All this is, is list of things you want to do: places you would like to go (vacation destinations, local attractions you’re interested in visiting, etc.), movies you want to see, books to read, etc. The only “difficulty” of this is that you need to designate a place to keep these lists!
Think about whether they need to be portable or not, and decide on the best place to keep it. Then, if you don’t already have such a list, add pieces of paper with these headings to the location you chose – your household notebook or your planner, most likely. (If you want, you can also jot down related information next to each one, like the cost of admission to a local museum, but this is up to you.)
STEP 1: Create a list of “places to go,” after deciding where to keep it. If you like, also create other “want-to-do” lists, like “movies to see” and/or “books to read,” or whatever other such lists make sense to you.
That’s it! (See, I told you it was easy.)
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