The following article is not one I wrote. Rather, I found it a number of years ago and appreciated it so much I’ve recommended it many times over the years. As the website that originally hosted it is now defunct, I’m republishing it so its message won’t be lost. That site indicated that articles might be shared and republished, so long as proper credit was given, so I am reposting with permission.
The author’s overall perspective on Christmas (and other holidays), and our traditions and celebrations, is very much like those of my husband and myself. I especially appreciated the depth of symbolism Holden pointed out with regard to the tree, and all of his notes on the tree and the lights nicely complement the Ramey Christmas tree tradition as described in Finding Christ in the Christmas Tree.
by Mark Holden
Bah, Humbug!
Wrapping paper, colored lights, bells ringing, shopping, trees, music, aaahhhhh! That season is here.
The holiday season brings with it many challenges for believers. Along with those challenges are differences of opinions on how to approach the season, including whether or not to join the cultural celebration at all. I would like to suggest an approach to the Christmas season (and really any celebration at all) that will allow your family celebration to be refreshing and packed with meaning.
There are numbers of Biblical illustrations that would indicate that the maintaining of an annual celebration is appropriate, as long as it is carried out in the right spirit. For example, the celebration of Purim by the Jews was introduced during Esther’s time to celebrate the deliverance that was afforded through her bravery. The feasts of the Jews were designed to be joyous, truth-filled events that provided the opportunity to instruct children in significant truth. Your Christmas celebration can be just as exciting, and just as loaded with truth, if you look for ways to capitalize on the occasion.
It is also true that any event can become a superstitious pagan occasion if the focus is wrong. Here is a simple principle that we have used in our home for the various traditions associated with Christmas. If we can teach truth from it, we keep it. If it obscures truth, we lose it.
[Tweet “If we can teach truth from it, we keep it. If it obscures truth, we lose it.”]
I’d like to give you some examples of ways that we in the Holden home have come to observe various Christmas traditions. These are offered only for the benefit of allowing you to see the possibilities. You have great liberty to be creative before the Lord. The result will be possibilities for healthy, Godly instruction that are almost endless.
The Christmas Tree
The setting up and decorating of a tree in observance of the birth of our Lord is perhaps one of the most controversial acts of Christmas. I have dear brothers who refer to it as the “Babel bush”. For us, however, the tree functions as a centerpiece of instruction.
Each year, as we enjoy a family outing to find “the right tree”, we continuously review truth through a series of questions. Why aren’t we looking for an oak or maple tree? What kind of tree are we looking for? Why do we choose an evergreen tree? What does the color green remind us of? What does the shape of the tree teach us? These questions are all designed to remember Jesus, the provider of eternal life. Christmas is about Him.
There are many, many lessons to be learned from the tree. Jesus died on a tree. The tree has a distinct aroma, which has in fact become identified as an agent for cleaning. The cutting of the tree reminds us that death is a part of our experience, and Jesus did die to take our penalty for sin. The branches of the tree provide a clear picture of the vine and branches analogy that Jesus used in John 15. The need for water gives clear instruction about our need for the nourishing water of the Word.
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What about those lights?
For us the lights on the tree represent us. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world”. When we come to the tree of life, which is Jesus, we are empowered to shine for him. It does not matter what color, race, nationality, economic strata; all are invited to the tree.
We also talk about those lights being connected. For most light strands, if one goes out several go out. That teaches us of the connectedness of those in the body of Christ. No man sins alone. If one believer becomes dysfunctional, he affects the performance of others. When all are shining brightly, they draw others to the tree.
The giving and receiving of gifts reminds us, of course, of the wise men and their offerings to the young child, Jesus. My one exhortation in gift giving is to exercise prudence. Gift giving must be done in a way that honors the Christ we serve. Covetousness and fiscal insanity fostered by the hyper-commercialism of our day destroys families and clouds the truths of the gospel.
Consider giving “outside of the box” (sorry for the pun). Look for others to whom you can minister with gifts of time or thoughtfulness. One of my fondest memories was the opportunity that we had to clean the home of a young mother who suffered from Lupus. As a gift to her we vacuumed, scrubbed, washed clothes and dishes. It helped to prepare her home for the busy-ness of her Christmas season.
Even Mistletoe?
Yes, even mistletoe has a place in Christmas. Where do these goofy practices come from anyway? Well, mistletoe, which grows in trees, was believed to possess the power of relational healing. The ancient Druids followed that belief to such a degree that they would bring enemies together under the outcropping of mistletoe for the purpose of fostering enduring peace between them. Thus, mistletoe came to be the place where enemies “kiss”.
Mistletoe is a wonderful picture of the power of reconciliation that has been worked by the gospel. The power of Jesus’ blood is the power to bring hateful sinners to the place of reconciliation with the Father. He has provided the power to heal broken relationships within families. Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
Be assured, mistletoe has no power. But the picture painted by mistletoe is a beautiful portrait of our Savior and His power.
Oh, That Fat, Little Man
Some of you are probably wondering, “What can I teach from Santa Claus?” What we teach from Santa Claus is that there are some traditions that steal the truth instead of amplify it. There is no place for this substitute for the Lord in our celebration. The characteristics that are ascribed to him belong only to our Lord. Our Father is the only one who knows all things. Our Father is the one who keeps a record of deeds. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17). Be willing to release traditions that steal glory from your Lord.
[Tweet “Be willing to release traditions that steal glory from your Lord.”]
Ad Infinitum
We could continue on and on about holly berries, wreaths, angels, stars, nut crackers, caroling, stockings, candles, food, candy, mangers, etc. Hopefully by now you have the idea.
Some of our traditions have been challenging. For several years we did not engage in a multi-generational family practice of hanging stockings. I simply could not see any way to teach from it. Well, a couple of years ago, my eager family appealed to me to re-engage the enjoyable practice of finding special surprises in a stocking on Christmas morning. The lesson of the stockings was this: God fills our lives with special and unexpected blessings, even in the most unexpected places, like a pair of socks. So they had me. The stockings are back on the mantel!
Our hope is that your Christmas will be Christ-filled and that your family will be able to rejoice together as you celebrate the incarnation of our blessed Savior.
Kari H. says
Thank you for reposting this article, I very much appreciated the content!