This is the second entry in this year’s Blogging A to Z challenge, for which the theme here at Titus 2 Homemaker is Growth from A to Z. Today we’re talking about “Bagging it up” or, in not-so-alphabetized terms, decluttering. Why Declutter? Have nothing in your house that you do not know to […]
How to Evaluate Decluttering Options to Find the One That’s Right for You
Except for those people who have everything pretty well decluttered and just need some minor maintenance, decluttering typically needs to be systematic to some degree and in some fashion. Since you’re reading this, I’m assuming you’re one of “the rest of us,” and your decluttering needs are a bit more extensive. The question then becomes, […]
Who Else Wants to Declutter this Year?
I don’t know about you, but we are constantly accumulating more clutter that needs to be dealt with. And as organization is a recurring goal at start of the new year, let’s talk decluttering. (‘Cause it’s silly to organize clutter! Better to get rid of the excess first and only organize the stuff you truly […]