One thing that works for me is singing little ditties to my babies at diaper-changing time. Usually these are just silly things where I’ve put new words to pre-existing tunes to talk about what we’re doing. I will also make use of this time to point out feet and hands, right and left, etc. I have this other little tune, though, that I came up with to sing to the little ones. At our house, it usually starts something like this:
Who loves Livia?
Mama does.
I think you’re wonderful just because you’re you.
The great thing about this is that it can then be changed up. You can sing it to a different child (“Who loves Sophia?”). You can include other family members or friends (“Daddy does.”). The most recent reincarnation of the lyrics was a few days ago when we sang, “Who loves Livia? Jesus does. He made you wonderful when He made you, you.”
I thought I would make a recording of a “generic” version of the lyrics so you can see it and, if you like, make use of it. (It’s much better personalized, and I highly recommend you sing it that way. But I didn’t figure anyone wanted to download a song with my kid’s name in it. 😉 ) I’ve never put audio in a blog post before, so I’m not totally sure how this works, but I think you should be able to right-click the link below and “save as” to download it, and/or left-click the link to play it. (And please excuse the recording – and probably singing – quality. I recorded it on a telephone podcast thingie – not the world’s most awesome sound quality or ease of editing! lol)
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