I’m a Boba Ambassador. I participate in Boba events and online conversations, and receive thank you gifts for my participation, but all opinions and experiences expressed are my own.
I have been “babywearing” since my oldest was an infant. My skills have increased as the years have gone by, and I’ve been able to do more with each baby. I’m also expanding my horizons in terms of carriers. With baby #1 I used a ring sling. That’s it. It’s all I had and all I knew how to use. It was (and is) highly versatile, so I appreciate(d) it, but it’s not all there is!
With baby #3 I started to learn new things. I tried some stretchy wraps, but I didn’t like them because they were crazy-heavy. When she got bigger, a friend gave me a mei tai, which was great because I could carry her on my back! (Technically you can carry a baby on your back with a ring sling but because it only goes over one shoulder, it’s pretty tricky and it’s hard to get it good and snug.)
Then I had this baby. I’ve experimented a little bit with a woven wrap, although I’ve not had much success with it. And I was introduced to Boba. I mean, really introduced. (I knew the name, but had never tried a Boba carrier in person.)
When Caleb was just a newborn, I tried out the Boba Wrap. Given my past experience with stretchy wraps, I wasn’t very hopeful, but it easily exceeded my expectations! Unlike all of the others, it was not heavy. Being a wrap, it of course takes some wrapping and tying, but nothing super-complex – and once it’s on, it’s on. It’s pretty easy to “pop” a baby in and out of because of the stretch. And super-super comfy for a newborn, especially.
The Boba 4G
Recently I was asked to be a Boba ambassador. I’m pretty excited about this, because I think babywearing is important! Boba makes more than one type of baby carrier, and as part of my ambassadorship, I got to choose a new one to try out. I chose the Boba 4G, which is an updated version of the 3G, their structured carrier.
Can I just say, I was impressed within minutes of removing it from the box, and I hadn’t even gotten to try the baby in it yet! (He was asleep when it arrived.)
First of all, it’s just beautiful! Most baby carriers are black. This one comes in some black styles, but it also comes in this beautiful rich brown with a green front panel. (“Pine”) Not that there’s anything wrong with black, but I look much better in brown. And while I don’t exactly consider a baby carrier a fashion accessory, the fact is if I’m wearing it, it’s covering up my carefully-selected outfit and it is what’s next to my face!
This little pocket is one of the things I think is really cool about it. There’s a hood – it can be used to protect baby from the elements, or even simply as head support. But it rolls up inside this nifty zippered pocket when you’re not using it, so it’s out of the way.
It’s a bit hard to photograph, but it looks kind of like this when it’s unrolled out of the pocket.
The carrier adjusts over a wide range of sizes – of parent and of baby. Officially, the waist belt adjusts from 25 inches to 58 inches. My waist is actually a little smaller than that (yes, really) and it fits me just fine, with no slippage or anything.
It fits babies from 7 pounds, and has a really cool integrated infant insert. A little padded, shaped cushion snaps into the inside of the carrier. This helps boost little babies and encourage their legs into the healthy, comfortable “M” position. For really tiny babies, the cushion also snaps to itself, curling it into a little ball and providing even more support.
My little guy is 6 months old, but he’s really, really tiny still. Tall, but skinny. (My little string bean!) He’s only just over 10 pounds, but he’s almost 26 inches long and I’m not very tall, so he doesn’t seem to need the insert. (I tried him both ways, and with the insert in, his head was quite high up. He’s in the carrier without it in these photos.)
I’d say it takes a little bit of adjusting of the straps before you put it on the first time, just to get it pretty close to “right” before you have it on. But then it takes little-to-no adjusting once it’s on. (This is assuming, of course, that the same person is wearing it with the same baby.) I have been really amazed at how fast it is to get it on and get baby in, since there’s no tying or anything involved.
Besides the hood, features include a purse loop (! – this is so awesome; my diaper bag is always falling to my elbow with a thump when I wear it with my other carriers), and some cool stirrups that snap on for toddlers and can be adjusted a couple different ways.
The Boba 4G came in so handy last week when we were packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! A friend packs hundreds of shoeboxes each year, so she had us set up assembly line-style. I popped Caleb in the Boba and he just sat against my tummy and watched the whole time. Well, almost the whole time. About three-fourths of the way through, he fell asleep, and I was able to simply pull out the hood and snap it in place to give his head a little extra support so he didn’t “flop” in his sleep.
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