What if you could get free food? Free “medicine”? Believe it or not, you can…with wildcrafting. Wildcrafting, for those who don’t know, is harvesting edible weeds. Kind of like gardening without gardening, ’cause God planted the food for you. (Since I have a black thumb, I really benefit from that!) So the trick is not […]
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) is Great!
Note: Many of my recent health-related posts are adapted from school papers. The following is reproduced with little change from an assignment turned in for my herbalism class. Mullein (pronounced MULlen) is, according to the Natural Medicines Database, “among the oldest known medicinal plants,” having been used for centuries (Mullein, 2015). The name may refer […]
Plantain (Plantago major/lanceolate) — A Good Beginner Herb
Plantain Plantain (Plantago spp.) is one of my favorite beginner herbs. It is ubiquitous. It is distinctive and, therefore, easy to identify and hard to confuse. It is also versatile, easy to use on the spot but useful for making preparations ahead of time, too. Two distinct varieties of plantain are found across the United […]