If the title of this post got the song stuck in your head, I’m sorry. Fortunately, I haven’t heard it much since Girl Scout camp years ago, so it’s not quite as “sticky” for me as for some. (The version we sang at camp wasn’t nearly as annoying, either.) Kids love it, though, and if your kids are fans — or just fans of sharks, as mine are — they might appreciate this slime kit inspired by Baby Shark.
Baby Shark Slime Kit by Slimy Gloop
One thing I really like about this kit is that the slime itself is already made. Slime-making is a whole other level of mess, and this doesn’t make that kind of mess.
Rather, the kit includes a tub of sparkly slime, a couple different types of mix-ins I think of as “sprinkles” (they remind me a lot of sprinkles you’d put on cookies, although hopefully you don’t need me to tell you these aren’t edible), and a couple little icon-like discs depicting a shark and a fish.
Now, if you’re giving these as Christmas gifts, be aware that the full package is probably a bit too big for most stockings. You can wrap it up for gift-giving, of course, but if you’re going to put it in a stocking, it will need a little modification. All the parts will fit in a stocking.
These are all sealed, so you could just toss them in as-is, or you could put them all in a zip-top bag.
One thing I really like about this kit is that the tub for the slime has a screw-on lid.
Unlike a lot of slime containers, the lid can’t accidentally pop off. And the tub is just nice and sturdy. I don’t have the same concerns about the tub cracking (letting the slime dry out or make a mess) that I do with some other products.
“Making” the Slime
So the fun of this slime kit is mixing in the little extras.
I would probably have started with the smallest bits. My kids put the biggest pieces in first.
After you sprinkle the fun stuff on, you have to squish it (knead it) in.
My kids didn’t add all the “sprinkles” at first and decided later to go back and add more. Here’s a closeup from before they mixed them in, so you can see what the two kinds of “sprinkly” add-ins look like. (Also note that without the two little fish, this might make a good stocking stuffer for a young fan of Frozen™.)
You can find the SlimyGloop Baby Shark Slime Kit at Amazon, Learning Express, Family Dollar, or (in Canada) at Toys R Us.
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