I love recycled/upcycled crafts. I love being able to make something beautiful and/or useful from something that would otherwise be junk. (My hubby thinks of this as a picture of redemption!) I also like to find great ways to reuse things so they don’t go into the landfills! It can be hard, though, to track down ideas for projects to use up “trash” items, that don’t look like preschool projects. (And I’m pretty bad at coming up with ideas on my own.) Some of the remaining ideas are great, but use bizarre items that most of us won’t have available.
So I’ve decided to start collecting many of the recycled craft projects I’ve come across that I think are especially great. To be included on this list, they must a) make use of some junk item that is widely available (that is, it’s not some bizarre, obscure item that only one in a thousand people will happen to have), and b) produce an end result that is useful or attractive. These are not projects that turn out looking like first grade Sunday School crafts, and you don’t necessarily need to be the “artsy” type to appreciate them (like some of the shabby/grunge-style upcycling projects).
I have also avoided projects that are so obvious we could all think of them (“Hey, look, you can use the fabric from old jeans to sew something else!”) unless they’re a particularly unique take on the technique, they capitalize on the original shape/design of the source material, or they’re an especially good use for the smallest bits of things that we sometimes can’t figure out how to use.
Toilet Paper Rolls/Paper Towel Rolls/Gift Wrap Tubes
TP Roll albums: http://thosenorthernskies.blogspot.com/2010/09/creative-high-party.html
TP “wrought iron”: http://www.suzyssitcom.com/2010/12/feature-friday-faux-metal-wall-art.html
(similar idea): http://www.homemademamas.net/2010/01/recycled-wall-art.html
TP Tube mini baskets: http://thefabmissb.blogspot.com/2009/04/mini-may-day-baskets.html
Paper Towel Tube flowers: http://designbynight.blogspot.com/2010/08/paper-towel-roll-flowerstuturial.html
Miscellaneous Paper
Wrapping Paper Memory: http://willowatsquidoo.blogspot.com/2010/10/mamas-making-toys-wrapping-paper-memory.html
Paper beads (ideas of paper sources to try): http://paperbeads.org/category/paper-to-paper-bead-ideas/
A different type of paper beads: http://smallestforest.net/2009/11/23/a-quick-tutorial-book-beads/
And another: http://thenewnew.blogspot.com/2009/04/how-to-recycle-junk-mail-into-paper.html
Paper gift bows: http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=247280.0
Paper gift bags: http://urbannaturalhistory.blogspot.com/2010/05/diy-paper-gift-bags-upcycled-cheap-and.html
Paper napkin ornaments/medallions: http://craftside.typepad.com/craftside/2009/07/recycled-projects-from-the-book-experimental-ecodesign.html
(Tissue from old sewing patterns – or the scraps left over after you cut the patterns out – would probably work well here, too. Old telephone book pages are usually pretty thin like that, as well.)
Phone book desk organizer: http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2009/02/office_organizer_made_from_phoneboo.html?CMP=OTC-0D6B48984890
(Personally, I would probably paint this or somehow cover the outsides after construction, but I thought this was a pretty clever application.)
Newspaper weaving: http://www.instructables.com/id/Newspaper-Tray/
Magazine boxes: http://abstractoctopus.wordpress.com/2009/09/07/i-make-magazine-boxes/#more-155
Patterns for gift boxes from old cardboard: http://www.stumbleupon.com/s/#1UMgsj/www.paperandmore.com/articles/box_templates//topic:Crafts
Pattern for wallet/business card case: http://www.replayground.com/pages/diy/wallet.asp
Juice carton gift box: http://www.craftplace.org/viewProject.php?craftProjectId=595
Small boxes to photo blocks: http://madebybronwyn.blogspot.com/2010/06/rainy-day-photoblocks.html
Cereal box gift baskets: http://gojindy.weebly.com/1/category/bridal%20shower%20idea/1.html
Plastic Bottles (and Bottle Caps)
Plastic bottle flowers: http://www.graceviolet.com/2010/02/anthropologie-spring-windows-fresh-idea.html
Plastic bottle “wire”: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Wire-from-a-Plastic-Bottle
Plastic bottle favor boxes: http://kids-theme-parties.com/party-favour-boxes-from-recycled-plastic-bottles-step-by-step-tutorial/
Plastic bottle butterflies: http://www.allfreecrafts.com/recycling-crafts/recycled-bottle-butterflies.shtml
Bottlecap pincushions – basic: http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/bottle_cap_pincushion_tutorial
…or fancy: http://www.craftstylish.com/item/945/how-to-make-pretty-pincushions
Soda Cans/Pop Cans, Tabs, etc.
Soda can tab belt: http://www.craftbits.com/project/soda-can-tab-belt
Soda can tab flowers: http://www.escamastudio.com/inspiration/diy.html
6-pack ring snowflakes: http://www.craftbits.com/project/recycled-plastic-rings-snowflake
Other Cans
Tin can tea light holder: http://www.whatimade.com/index.php/an-elegant-tin-can-tea-light-holder/
Tin can candlesticks: http://memakingdo.blogspot.com/2010/04/soup-can-candlesticks.html
Plastic Bags
Plastic bags to “plarn”: http://www.diynetwork.com/decorating/recycled-plastic-carryall/index.html
Plastic bags – fusing: http://etsylabs.blogspot.com/2007/05/long-overdue-fusing-plastic-bag.html
Plastic bag iron-on decals: http://www.filthwizardry.com/2010/03/iron-on-decals-from-plastic-shopping.html
Plastic bag daisies: http://www.etsy.com/listing/6531995/everlasting-daisy-hair-pins-in-rainbow
Plastic bag beads: http://www.steppingthrucrazy.com/2010/04/plastic-bag-beads.html
Plastic bag bows: http://www.freekidscrafts.com/plastic_bag_hair_rosettes-e418.htm
Plastic bag wreath: http://www.craftbits.com/project/wreath-recycled-bags
Old Credit Cards/Gift Cards
Credit card/gift card flowerbox magnet: http://www.instructables.com/id/Credit-Card-Flower-Box-Fridge-Magnet/
(Also consider using junk magnets in this project.)
Plastic Cups, Jars, and Food Containers
Plastic cup jewelry: http://punkprojects.blogspot.com/2010/06/recycled-earrings-tutorial.html
Plastic jar pencil cup/paperweight: http://macaroniandglitter.com/upcycled_pencilcup.html
(Everyone knows that containers can be reused by redecorating them. But we also know we can cover them with paper, paint them, etc. I thought this was a unique and attractive coverage option.)
Glass Jars and Bottles
Records, Cassettes, CD’s, and Their Cases
Record sleeve file folders: http://www.clevernesting.com/2010/01/file-folders-from-old-record-cases-tutorial/
(Try using the records themselves for record bowls, and/or cover them to use as the bases for artwork. I saw another example where someone covered the record with fabric to use as the base for a clock.)
CD case calendar: http://allthingsmadebykelly.blogspot.com/2010/09/last-year-for-christmas-for-my-bunco.html
(Would also work for framing other types of art.)
Or make several cases into a cube: http://www.instructables.com/id/Compact-Disc-Jewel-Cube-Display-Case/
Audiocassette business card holders: http://www.hgtv.ca/articles/articledetails.aspx?ContentId=2915&cat=2&by=5
(This might also be a creative way to present a gift card – especially one for iTunes or the like.)
Miscellaneous Materials
Plastic bed linen bags – Use for vinyl windows in wallets, luggage tags, etc.
Light bulb bud vase: http://en.espritcabane.com/recycling-crafts/light-bulb-vase.php
(DO NOT try this with a CFL. They contain toxic mercury gas.)
Vinyl blind plant tags: http://craftingagreenworld.com/2009/03/31/recycle-vinyl-blinds-into-plant-markers-another-quickie-tutorial/
Vinyl tablecloth changing mat: http://smashedpeasandcarrots.blogspot.com/2010/06/vinyl-tablecloth-changing-mat.html
booster seat cover: http://smashedpeasandcarrots.blogspot.com/2010/06/booster-seat-cushions-tutorial.html
Shower curtain rings to napkin rings: http://hipposanddinosaurs.blogspot.com/2010/09/upcyled-napkin-rings-tutorial.html
Old plastic beads to new jewelry: http://sweatersurgery.blogspot.com/2009/06/melted-plastic-bead-star-earrings.html
Coin pendants: http://justsomethingimade.com/2010/07/decal-penny-pendants-group-project/
(I don’t know that I would recommend using real, local, legal tender for this project. But if you have coins left over from an out-of-country trip, coin-type tokens from an entertainment place, etc., this could be a good use for them.)
Specific Clothing/Linens
Recycled jean pocket banner/bunting: http://recycledcrafts.craftgossip.com/how-to-make-a-recycle-jean-pocket-banner/2010/11/30/
Baby overalls add-on tote: http://sew-and-grow.blogspot.com/2010/10/easy-sew-diaper-bag-alternative-with.html
Pillowcase child’s apron: http://runcibledays.blogspot.com/2011/01/apron-tutorial.html
Various Sewing Notions
(Save these when you deconstruct old clothes to use the fabric.)
Rick-Rack Rosettes: http://craftifyit.blogspot.com/2010/06/ric-rac-rosettes.html
Small Fabric Scraps
Hair bow/clip: http://jennysthriftythoughts.blogspot.com/2010/07/pink-saturday-bow-tie-hair-clip.html
Long thin strips of scrap fabric:
Rag rug: http://www.craftpassion.com/2010/03/recycle-tutorial-woven-rag-rug.html
Yarn Scraps
Covered headband with bow: http://speckless.wordpress.com/2010/11/18/tutorial-crochet-bow-headband/
(Techniques to Use with Your Reclaimed Materials)
Etching metal: http://rootsandwingsco.blogspot.com/2010/05/crayon-etching-on-metal-tins-tutorial.html
-felt old sweaters (They have to be real wool for this.)
-unravel old sweaters to reuse the yarn
-“shrinkydinks” from #6 plastic: https://titus2homemaker.com/2007/12/do-it-yourself-shrinkydinks/
“Antiquing” cardboard: http://hearty-craft.blogspot.com/2010/06/how-to-make-vintage-bobbins.html
Faux stained glass: http://dollarstorecrafts.com/2011/01/make-faux-stained-glass-windows/
Faux colored Depression glass: http://www.mybackyardeden.com/2011/01/making-faux-ruby-depression-glass.html
Tinting glass with Mod Podge: http://gingerbreadsnowflakes.com/node/169
Faux leather: http://dollarstorecrafts.com/2009/09/faux-leather-bottle/
…or: http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=347106.0
I love to repurpose things…you’ve given me lots of reading for the weekend when hubby is on Army duty 🙂 Hope all is going well with your crew, especially Livia. Hope I can meet her soon 🙂
Christi Presley
use torn junk mail to make paper in a blender. Anyone Thank you.
After searching for hours I finally found what I was looking for thanks to this site. Thank u sooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ={)